No Exclamation Points Rule

This rule enforces a writing style that avoids the use of exclamation points at the end of words. The rule aims to maintain a professional and measured tone in technical documentation and content. Exclamation points can make text appear overly informal, emotional, or unprofessional, and they're generally discouraged in technical and professional writing.


✗ Incorrect:

  • "Hello!"
  • "Amazing!"
  • "Click here!"

✓ Correct:

  • "Hello"
  • "Amazing"
  • "Click here"

The rule specifically looks for patterns where a word is immediately followed by an exclamation point, either at the end of a sentence or before whitespace. This helps maintain a consistent, professional voice throughout the documentation.

Note: The rule is configured as an "error" level violation and includes an automatic action to remove the exclamation point when possible.

Rule Source

This rule comes from:

Rule Definition

extends: existence
message: "Don't use exclamation points in text."
link: ''
nonword: true
level: error
  name: remove
  - '\w+!(?:\s|$)'