This rule enforces the proper usage of ordinal numbers by preventing the addition of "-ly" to create adverbs. The rule follows Microsoft's style guidance, which recommends using simple ordinal numbers instead of their adverbial forms. This helps maintain clearer, more concise writing and prevents unnecessary word elongation.
The motivation behind this rule is that adding "-ly" to ordinal numbers is redundant and can make text more verbose without adding value. The ordinal numbers themselves are sufficient to indicate sequence or order.
❌ Incorrect usage (will be flagged):
- "Firstly, we need to configure the settings"
- "Secondly, install the dependencies"
- "Thirdly, run the application"
✅ Correct usage:
- "First, we need to configure the settings"
- "Second, install the dependencies"
- "Third, run the application"
The rule will automatically suggest removing the "-ly" suffix from these words when detected in the text.