In today's environment, it's hard to get budget, let alone find great talent.
"Our writers are great, but we need more good ones. It's a lot of work to recruit, onboard and train people up. I'm worried we won't be able to hit our company goals if we can't solve this problem now."
A writer on every product is too expensive and teams don't have headcount as it is.
"We've got a great team, but we cover such a large surface area that we can't do it all. Morale is down because it feels like we're letting the team down."
Teams end up tolerating stale, outdated, and problematic documentation - users suffer.
"The product seems great, but the fact that the documentation is disorganized and out of date makes me wonder if the product is right for us."
Hyperlint does this by automating the difficult and tedious parts of writing and maintaining developer documentation.